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Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Award in Accounting

26 Dec 1993
Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh met with Dr. Ihab Hasan Ismail, the Secretary-General of the Arab Universities Union, as they discussed issues related to accounting education at universities, and the nature of the role that companies working in the accounting field should take, in order to develop accounting education in Arab universities.
They also talked about the necessity for complete coordination between the Arab Universities Union and major corporations in the Arab region for fulfilling the change necessary in accounting curricula.
The Secretary-General of the Arab Universities Union thanked Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh for representing the accounting profession and presenting it in the best possible image, in addition to constantly seeking to keep it up to date with the vocation in advanced nations.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh decided to assign an annual award to the most outstanding graduate in accounting from Arab universities, such that this award will be granted via the Arab Universities Union and in accordance with procedures that it sees fit.
In conclusion, the Secretary-General thanked Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh for this kind initiative which exemplified his concern in the accounting discipline and those who work in it including academics, professionals and students.