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Accounting conference to be held in Bahrain in April

14 Mar 1993
NEW YORK (Agencies) ——The harmonization of standard setting in
the Arab World and tackling the legal challenges posed by the new world order are two of the issues to be discussed at the Third Arab International Accounting Conference on Challenges Facing Arab Accountants, scheduled for April 10-12 in Manama, Bahrain.

The conference will highlight a number of subjects that affect the way Arabs do business among themselves and with other countries.
Among the topics scheduled for discussion are “Challenges Facing Accountants” , “Litigation and Professional Indemnity”,  “Conflict of Interest”,  “Professional Changes under the New World Order”, “Current Practices in the Arab World”, “Regulating the Practice in the Arab World”, “Harmonisation of Standard-Setting in the Arab
World”, and “Accountants and their International Qualification.”
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, president of the Arab Society Certified Accountants, says the conference will do much to promote economic development in the region. Emphasizing the need for regional compatibility of accounting standards, he said that it was the only
way to real economic development in the Arab World.
The conference will be followed by a two-day workshop sponsored by the United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts for international standards of accounting and reporting.