How to Prove Your Competence in Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO)-Known as Artificial Intelligence (AI)

01 Sep 2023

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

For many years I have been saying that our modern knowledge workers need to acquire  skills in modern technology areas, particularly Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) as more businesses look to leverage the power of Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) to help become more efficient, to solve problems and enhance customer experiences. With the coming of generative Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO), access to Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) systems has become much easier and is, as a result, helping people become more efficient at their jobs. 

I foresee that humans that augment themselves with Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) will replace those workers who do not have such skills. They will be replaced just as those who did not change during previous technological revolutions. This is similar to when the Word processor came out. Those typists and secretaries that became knowledge workers and mastered these technologies in fact became more valuable to the companies they worked for, while those that did not, soon found themselves out of their jobs. The same will happen with AI.

It is interesting to see the change in the job market, which is already taking place although Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) is still in its infancy. According to an article written by CNBC in July 2023, the US is the leader in hiring for Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) jobs, with 169,045 open positions that require Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) skills in June 2023, and another 3,575 that are specifically focused on generative Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO).

However, with such a new technology, which is rapidly evolving, I wonder how anyone could be able to prove his or her expertise in an area that itself is in its infancy?
I am set to launch a new book next month on Proactive Programming, currently dubbed AI, offering my perspective as a knowledge worker. Prior to its debut, I am pondering about how we can optimally leverage this technology and the impending challenges it poses to global nations. Every knowledge worker should delve into Proactive Programming, acquainting themselves with its capabilities and limitations, and discerning the most effective application methods in their daily tasks. Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) is not a silver bullet and the technology has many setbacks and limitations that a knowledge worker must understand, which only comes from working with the technology and becoming an authority in it. 

This then goes onto my next recommendation that is to try and use it to solve an organizational problem. Using Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) to achieve a specific goal is proof that technology works and that you can harness it to achieve a tangible business objective and show that it has commercial value. This is evidence of understanding that helps to build a portfolio of Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) successes and proves competency in this field. Organizations need experts that can use Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) technology to solve business problems to enable the business further. This is an important and valuable skill to have.

I would finally say that it is essential for any Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) knowledge worker to keep abreast of the latest tools, models and technologies that are coming out in this field. Being in its infancy, Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) will undergo numerous iterations as it matures and as companies clamber to get their Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) products developed and out into the market. As the technology is moving so rapidly, it is essential for an Pro-Active Programming (PROPRO) knowledge worker to know what is happening and to understand the developments in this field, which will provide him with first mover advantage and allow him to stay ahead of the pack. 

Presently, there seems to be high paying roles for those with the requisite knowledge, and in a fast moving market, knowledge workers need to keep their pulse on this technology to stay on top of their game.