The resistance: Dignity and Freedom Struggle in the Face of Occupation Oppression The Right to Confront Occupation

02 Jan 2024

Talal Abu Ghazaleh

In Gaza, the concept of resistance has manifested itself as a powerful and multifaceted phenomenon, distinct from fields of terrorism or violence that are often misunderstood in our region. It is a beacon of legitimate assertion-a fundamental right of humanity, exercised by nations across multiple regions and eras. In its essence, it represents a collective response to occupation and aggression. Resistance is a fundamental force that transcends borders and eras. This precise and rooted principle has been woven into many social conflicts and emerged as a distinctive feature of the human experience. 

In The complex occupation narrative, the entity has often sought to present itself as a legitimate state, but the stark reality, as clear as midday sun has exposed them for who they are: mere occupying authorities that exercise control through tyranny, torture, and deprivation. Behind the façade of governance supported by western collusion, a stark truth has been revealed. A system of apartheid based on oppression, and the suffocating of collective dreams.  

The term “War”, that was casually mentioned in speeches, concealed the deep nature of the conflict. In essence, it was a war of liberation. Far from the superficial connotations, it was an emotional struggle aimed at restoring dignity and securing freedom. 

It is essential to separate resistance from the connotations of terrorism and violence, because it represents a supreme cause- an ethical and principled stance against oppression and the violation of fundamental human rights. Throughout history, societies have used the right of resistance as a mean to preserve their dignity, maintain their independence, and restore their homeland from occupation. This historical series reveals resistance not as an erratic act of defiance, but as resounding echo for the collective will to confront injustice, and secure fundamental freedoms that define the essence of human existence.

The invincible will to resist occupation not only defines the past but continues to shape the course of humanity’s pursuit for freedom and self-determination. Throughout history, societies under the yoke of heavy occupation have consistently sought empowerment through resistance. This resilient response, born out of the innate human desire for freedom and self-determination, has become a common thread woven through the history of many countries grappling with the arrogance of apartheid regimes.

The important pending question is: what is the path of the political settlement, and what is the outcome of these many decades of negotiations.?? A question that does not reflect the diplomatic deliberations tangible results, but the essence of resistance imbedded in the collective consciousness pushes any negotiations or settlements forward to ensure a just and equitable solution.

The history is an indelible testimony to the unwavering spirit of resistance that emerges whenever a land falls under occupation. A peek through the chronicles of time reveals a constant pattern, in which all residents of occupied territories rose up in defiance, deployed all resources and made enormous sacrifices in pursuit of liberation. The history bears witness to notable examples of resistance from the French expedition of Egypt, and the occupation of Algeria to the War of the Million Martyrs, and even further, the French resistance against the German occupier resonates as evidence of the global impulse to resist oppression.