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Arabs’ Diplomatic Move

05 Jan 1984
In its search for international standing and recognition, the recently established Arab Society for Certified Accountants (see The Accountant, 13 October and 15 December) is trying to find a Secretary who is not only fluent in Arabic, but also well-known and highly thought of in international circles.
We understand that the Council has located and approached one who fits the bill. Not an accountant, alas; the man in question is however British. He is Benjamin Strachan, CMG, recently retired Ambassador to Algeria.
Mr. Strachan knows the Middle East well. After leaving the army, he joined the Foreign Office and was posted to Aden. He spent time in Kuwait before becoming Ambassador to the Yemen Arab Republic, Republic of Jibouti and Lebanon.
Mr. Strachan has not yet decided whether to leave the golf courses of Scotland for warmer climes, but the Society hopes to have his decision in time for its next meeting to be held in Kuwait at the end of January.