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Artificial Intelligence and Humans: Differences and Complementarity

30 Dec 2024 Artificial intelligence is not a substitute for humans. Machines cannot solve all the problems that humans face, and robots cannot feel the feelings and emotions that humans feel.
Artificial intelligence is one of the most popular technologies at the moment, and it is being used in a number of areas, including developing individual skills. Although artificial intelligence has not yet been fully applied in this field, there are a number of ways that it can be used to improve individual skills. Here is a look at the importance of artificial intelligence in developing individual skills:

- Improving language skills: Artificial intelligence is very useful in developing English language skills and other languages, as applications that rely on artificial intelligence can be used to teach individuals how to write correctly, and teach them grammar, morphology, and vocabulary.

- Developing social skills: Artificial intelligence can be used to develop social skills, so it can be used to teach individuals how to communicate and deal with others, and it can be used to improve presentation and speaking skills.

- Improving mathematical skills: Artificial intelligence can be used to improve mathematical skills, so it can be used to teach individuals how to solve mathematical problems, as well as to analyze data and come up with results.

- Improving mental skills: Artificial intelligence can be used to improve mental skills, so it can be used to develop memory and improve focus and attention.

Therefore, curriculum can be linked to AI by designing AI-based educational programs that help students improve their skills and learn concepts better. Here are some ideas on how to link curriculum to AI:

-  Designing advanced educational programs: Educational programs can be designed that use artificial intelligence technologies to analyze student performance, assign their academic levels, and provide them with the necessary support.

- Application of artificial intelligence in teaching: Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze students’ performance in the classroom and provide them with the necessary feedback and guidance.

-  Providing interactive educational materials: Innovative interactive educational materials can be created that use artificial intelligence technologies to analyze the student’s interaction with the course material and modify them according to his needs.

- Using artificial intelligence to correct linguistic errors: Applications based on artificial intelligence can be used to improve writing, correct linguistic errors, and provide useful feedback.

- Using artificial intelligence in mathematical analysis: Artificial intelligence can be used to provide educational resources for data analysis, mathematical calculations, and solving difficult problems.

However, we must be careful not to overuse artificial intelligence, as we cannot fully control it, because it depends on programming and machine learning, and can lead to unexpected or unwanted decisions.

However, some standards and principles can be identified that guide the use of artificial intelligence and limit its negative impact. For this reason, the responsible use of artificial intelligence requires broad cooperation between engineers, programmers and experts in various fields, in order to develop balanced intelligent systems, limit potential risks, in addition to establishing a number of governmental and private institutions and bodies to set standards and rules for the responsible and safe use of artificial intelligence.

This includes developing governance systems, ethical frameworks, laws and regulations necessary to ensure that AI is used in a way that preserves the rights of individuals and limits potential negative impacts. These institutions include:

Amnesty International: is concerned with ensuring that artificial intelligence is used in a way that preserves human rights and limits potential negative impacts.

- Institute of Biotechnology and Strategic Studies: It is concerned with developing policies and frameworks for using artificial intelligence in a responsible and safe manner.

- World Economic Forum: seeks to promote the responsible use of artificial intelligence in the world and develop frameworks and standards to control it.

- International Council on Artificial Intelligence: works to set standards and rules for the responsible and safe use of artificial intelligence, and to enhance cooperation between governmental and private institutions in this field.

- Public AI Initiative: Works to improve and enhance the use of AI, to serve society and develop frameworks and standards to define the responsible use of AI.

These organizations highlight the positive uses of AI, but there are also some uses that should be avoided due to the negative impact they may cause. For example, the use of AI in the fields of health and medicine should be avoided until the necessary studies and tests are conducted to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

The use of AI in diagnosis and treatment should also be avoided unless the validity of the tools and programs used is confirmed. AI should also be avoided in areas that greatly affect people’s lives without obtaining their consent, such as collecting sensitive data about individuals without their permission.

In general, attention must be paid to the social and ethical implications of using smart technologies and efforts must be made to ensure that they are used in a responsible and appropriate manner, noting that there is no specific age for those who can use artificial intelligence, as it is generally available to any individual, institution or government.

However, children need special care in using smart technologies, including artificial intelligence, so that it must be ensured that it is used in a way that is appropriate for their age and helps them learn the necessary skills in their lives. Attention must also be paid to appropriate time limits for using smart technologies, and to ensure that children do not overuse them at the expense of other useful activities.

For the elderly, the use of smart technologies and artificial intelligence can help improve their lives and provide them with the necessary care, such as smart healthcare technologies, voice assistants, and voice control at home. However, attention must be paid to their individual needs and capabilities, and ensure that they are provided with the necessary training, in order to use these technologies effectively.

Ultimately, AI seems to be the future. As deep learning and neural network technologies improve, smart devices, robots, and self-driving cars will become more efficient and intelligent. However, AI is not a substitute for humans. Machines cannot solve all the problems that humans face, and robots cannot feel the feelings and emotions that humans do. Therefore, technology and AI must be used wisely and under the guidance of humans to achieve maximum benefits and avoid potential harms.

However, scientists, engineers and developers continue to develop smart technologies and artificial intelligence, which means that the future is still unknown and can be full of surprises and innovations. Therefore, artificial intelligence remains an interesting topic of study and research in the twenty-first century and beyond.