Press Clippings
Abu-Ghazaleh announces the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment .
During the meetingEnlarge ImageRELATED ARTICLES
Abu Ghazaleh: Jordan is capable of overcoming the economic crisis
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh awarded Shield of Excellence
Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh visits King Hussein Cancer Center
HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) chairman announced on Monday the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment which will be organized under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein December 12-14 at the Four Seasons Hotel.
The event will be held in conjuction with EUMED Event 4, Internet2 SIG Middle East Meeting and ASREN 1st Annual Meeting with special sessions to be dedicated to specific domains such as Digital Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, Economic Crisis, Global Warming, and Energy.
During a press conference conducted today at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh extended his appreciation to His Majesty King Abdullah II and welcomed the media who are part of this one of a kind event.
"This unique event in the region and the world is meant to be the launching pad for Research & Education connectivity and cooperation. It will bring together the ASREN, EUMED, GEANT, and INTERNET 2 stakeholders and the region’s foremost innovators, leaders, scientists, and businesses to discuss and debate new models of innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programs, and the region-wide e- infrastructure deployment to tackle today’s crises in climate change, global economy, food and water scarcity, alternative energy, and threatening environmental issues. The forum can lay the foundation for a dream of many of today’s leaders towards a global e-infrastructure for R&E based on real life broad inclusiveness beyond any political protocols," he said.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh the objectives of the event are to:
- announce the first year of achievements of ASREN and present its future planning.
- launch the third phase of the EUMEDCONENCT project.
- show the achievements of e-Infrastructures in the area such as EUMEDGRID and further build on the success of the previous EUMED Events 1,2 and 3 to present and develop cooperation between the Arab, European, and US researchers.
- draw attention of high level politicians and decision makers on the importance of the e-Infrastructures to develop the research and education communities in the Arab world and beyond.
- help and support sustainable research and education network across the Arab region connected to the European Network GEANT2, North American Network Internet2 and other regional networks around the world.
- attract and encourage donors, research foundations and supporting institutions in the Arab region, Europe and worldwide to support the development of ASREN and research e-infrastructure.
- strengthen the involvement of the private sector’s collaboration in developing research and education.
- Bring the attention of scientists and researchers on the importance of e-Infrastructure and to showcase examples of collaborative and joint research projects.
He added that the Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment will help tackle development of R&E networks in the Arab world and beyond by showing how e-Infrastructures can be used to provide high-quality education and research on a large scale.
At end of the press conference, HE Abu-Ghazaleh extended his gratitude to the European Union particularly the Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG- INFSO) for supporting the scientific infrastructure in the Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean through the EUMED CONNECT and EUMEDGRID-SUPPORT.
He also thanked all sponsors for their support.
06 Dec 2011
Abu-Ghazaleh Announces the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment .
HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) chairman announced on Monday the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment which will be organized under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein December 12-14 at the Four Seasons Hotel.
The event will be held in conjuction with EUMED Event 4, Internet2 SIG Middle East Meeting and ASREN 1st Annual Meeting with special sessions to be dedicated to specific domains such as Digital Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, Economic Crisis, Global Warming, and Energy.
During a press conference conducted today at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh extended his appreciation to His Majesty King Abdullah II and welcomed the media who are part of this one of a kind event.
"This unique event in the region and the world is meant to be the launching pad for Research & Education connectivity and cooperation. It will bring together the ASREN, EUMED, GEANT, and INTERNET 2 stakeholders and the region’s foremost innovators, leaders, scientists, and businesses to discuss and debate new models of innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programs, and the region-wide e- infrastructure deployment to tackle today’s crises in climate change, global economy, food and water scarcity, alternative energy, and threatening environmental issues. The forum can lay the foundation for a dream of many of today’s leaders towards a global e-infrastructure for R&E based on real life broad inclusiveness beyond any political protocols," he said.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh the objectives of the event are to:
- announce the first year of achievements of ASREN and present its future planning
- launch the third phase of the EUMEDCONENCT project
- show the achievements of e-Infrastructures in the area such as EUMEDGRID and further build on the success of the previous EUMED Events 1,2 and 3 to
present and develop cooperation between the Arab, European, and US researchers.
- draw attention of high level politicians and decision makers on the importance of the e-Infrastructures to develop the research and education communities in the Arab world and beyond.
- help and support sustainable research and education network across the Arab region connected to the European Network GEANT2, North American Network Internet2 and other regional networks around the world.
- attract and encourage donors, research foundations and supporting institutions in the Arab region, Europe and worldwide to support the development of ASREN and research e-infrastructure .
- strengthen the involvement of the private sector’s collaboration in developing research and education.
- Bring the attention of scientists and researchers on the importance of e-Infrastructure and to showcase examples of collaborative and joint research projects.
He added that the Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment will help tackle development of R&E networks in the Arab world and beyond by showing how e-Infrastructures can be used to provide high-quality education and research on a large scale.
At end of the press conference, HE Abu-Ghazaleh extended his gratitude to the European Union particularly the Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG- INFSO) for supporting the scientific infrastructure in the Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean through the EUMED CONNECT and EUMEDGRID-SUPPORT.
He also thanked all sponsors for their support:
• Royal Court - the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
• Jordanian Government: Ministry of ICT and Ministry of Higher Education
• European Commission: DG INFSO and DG RELEX
• The United Nations , UNESCO and UNDP
• International Model United Nations Association
• League of Arab States: Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and Arab ICT Organization (AICTO)
• Foundations like Qatar Foundation, MBR Foundation, AGFUND, Macarthur Foundation , Clinton Initiative , Packard Foundation , Ford foundation, Abu Dhabi Research Fund
• Research and Education Networks: ASREN, GEANT2, INTERNET2 SIG, European NRENs, Arab NRENs, other Regional NRENs
• Universities: Universities from around the region will be involved
• IO/NGO and Research Communities: European Investment Bank, FAO, ICTP,CERN,
SESAME, CONGO , Global Hope , ICRC, African Union, Sharing Knowledge Foundation
• Industry: TAG-Org , Jordan Telecom, ZAIN, Cisco, Regional Telco’s, Google, Tata communications, Microsoft, Hewlet Packard, Apple , Dell , Oracle, and more
About ASREN GmbH
ASREN GmbH is a registered non-profit association of the Arab region National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and strategic partners. It aims to implement, manage and extend sustainable Pan-Arab e-Infrastructures dedicated for the Research and Education communities and to boost scientific research and cooperation in member countries through the provision of world-class e-Infrastructures and E-services.
The first intention of forming the Consortium of Arab Mediterranean Research and Education Networks (CAMREN) was first declared in 2006 by the 7 Arab partners of the EUMEDCONNECT project that connect over 2 million academic users and researchers in 400 research centres and educational establishments. The partner countries, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia, are represented by their national research and education network organisations and co-finance the network infrastructure and management costs, a substantial investment of around 1.5 million Euros each year.
In December 2009 the idea is refined and the proposed new regional association is now the Arab States Research and Education Network, under the patronage of the League of Arab States, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGOrg), and the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID). It replaces the CAMREN proposal and enables a wider participation throughout the Arab region (U.A.E. and Qatar organisations have joined the discussion process). Since then, with the support of UMEDCONNECT2 funded by the European Commission and managed by DANTE (UK), three strategic planning workshop have been held in Cairo (January 2010) and Brussels (March 2010) and Algiers (July 2010), to finalize all the agreements on the organisation’s mission, objectives, structure and strategic plan.
A first formal announcement of the creation of ASREN was made at the EU-Med Conference on e-Infrastructures across the Mediterranean on March 31st 2010 in Brussels, by Dr Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of TAGOrg and GAID. Since then TAG-Org has been providing key technical and financial support in addition to political lobbying for the creation of ASREN. TAG-Org has lead the registration process of ASREN as a non-profit organization in Germany and has made all its resources available to meet the legal and financial requirements for a legally registered ASREN in Europe and operational in the Arab region. In July 2010, His Excellency Mr. Amre Moussa, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, endorsed the creation of ASREN, and in December 2010 announced its formal launching at the League of Arab States in Cairo, Egypt. ASREN has been officially registered in Germany with Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. Consulting GmbH, Jordanian Universities Network, and Moroccan Research and Education Network (CNRST) as initial shareholders. Its 1st annual meeting will be organized during e-AGE 2011.
06 Dec 2011
Abu-Ghazaleh announces the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment .
During the meetingEnlarge ImageRELATED ARTICLES
Abu Ghazaleh: Jordan is capable of overcoming the economic crisis
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh awarded Shield of Excellence
Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh visits King Hussein Cancer Center
HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) chairman announced on Monday the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment which will be organized under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein December 12-14 at the Four Seasons Hotel.
The event will be held in conjuction with EUMED Event 4, Internet2 SIG Middle East Meeting and ASREN 1st Annual Meeting with special sessions to be dedicated to specific domains such as Digital Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, Economic Crisis, Global Warming, and Energy.
During a press conference conducted today at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh extended his appreciation to His Majesty King Abdullah II and welcomed the media who are part of this one of a kind event.
"This unique event in the region and the world is meant to be the launching pad for Research & Education connectivity and cooperation. It will bring together the ASREN, EUMED, GEANT, and INTERNET 2 stakeholders and the region’s foremost innovators, leaders, scientists, and businesses to discuss and debate new models of innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programs, and the region-wide e- infrastructure deployment to tackle today’s crises in climate change, global economy, food and water scarcity, alternative energy, and threatening environmental issues. The forum can lay the foundation for a dream of many of today’s leaders towards a global e-infrastructure for R&E based on real life broad inclusiveness beyond any political protocols," he said.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh the objectives of the event are to:
- announce the first year of achievements of ASREN and present its future planning.
- launch the third phase of the EUMEDCONENCT project.
- show the achievements of e-Infrastructures in the area such as EUMEDGRID and further build on the success of the previous EUMED Events 1,2 and 3 to present and develop cooperation between the Arab, European, and US researchers.
- draw attention of high level politicians and decision makers on the importance of the e-Infrastructures to develop the research and education communities in the Arab world and beyond.
- help and support sustainable research and education network across the Arab region connected to the European Network GEANT2, North American Network Internet2 and other regional networks around the world.
- attract and encourage donors, research foundations and supporting institutions in the Arab region, Europe and worldwide to support the development of ASREN and research e-infrastructure.
- strengthen the involvement of the private sector’s collaboration in developing research and education.
- Bring the attention of scientists and researchers on the importance of e-Infrastructure and to showcase examples of collaborative and joint research projects.
He added that the Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment will help tackle development of R&E networks in the Arab world and beyond by showing how e-Infrastructures can be used to provide high-quality education and research on a large scale.
At end of the press conference, HE Abu-Ghazaleh extended his gratitude to the European Union particularly the Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG- INFSO) for supporting the scientific infrastructure in the Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean through the EUMED CONNECT and EUMEDGRID-SUPPORT.
He also thanked all sponsors for their support.
06 Dec 2011
Abu-Ghazaleh announces the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment .
Etisalat unveils ePlus during inauguration of Gitex... » HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) chairman announced on Monday the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment which will be organized under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein December 12-14 at the Four Seasons Hotel.
The event will be held in conjuction with EUMED Event 4, Internet2 SIG Middle East Meeting and ASREN 1st Annual Meeting with special sessions to be dedicated to specific domains such as Digital Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, Economic Crisis, Global Warming, and Energy.
During a press conference conducted at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh extended his appreciation to His Majesty King Abdullah II and welcomed the media who are part of this one of a kind event.
"This unique event in the region and the world is meant to be the launching pad for Research & Education connectivity and cooperation. It will bring together the ASREN, EUMED, GEANT, and Internet 2 stakeholders and the region's foremost innovators, leaders, scientists, and businesses to discuss and debate new models of innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programmes, and the region-wide e- infrastructure deployment to tackle today's crises in climate change, global economy, food and water scarcity, alternative energy, and threatening environmental issues. The forum can lay the foundation for a dream of many of today's leaders towards a global e-infrastructure for R&E based on real life broad inclusiveness beyond any political protocols," he said.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh the objectives of the event are to:
- announce the first year of achievements of ASREN and present its future planning
- launch the third phase of the EUMEDCONENCT project
- show the achievements of e-Infrastructures in the area such as EUMEDGRID and further build on the success of the previous EUMED Events 1,2 and 3 to
present and develop cooperation between the Arab, European, and US researchers.
- draw attention of high level politicians and decision makers on the importance of the e-Infrastructures to develop the research and education communities in the Arab world and beyond.
- help and support sustainable research and education network across the Arab region connected to the European Network GEANT2, North American Network Internet2 and other regional networks around the world.
- attract and encourage donors, research foundations and supporting institutions in the Arab region, Europe and worldwide to support the development of ASREN and research e-infrastructure .
- strengthen the involvement of the private sector's collaboration in developing research and education.
- Bring the attention of scientists and researchers on the importance of e-Infrastructure and to showcase examples of collaborative and joint research projects.
He added that the Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment will help tackle development of R&E networks in the Arab world and beyond by showing how e-Infrastructures can be used to provide high-quality education and research on a large scale.
At end of the press conference, HE Abu-Ghazaleh extended his gratitude to the European Union particularly the Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG- INFSO) for supporting the scientific infrastructure in the Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean through the EUMED Connect and Eumedgrid-Support.
He also thanked all sponsors for their support:
• Royal Court - the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
• Jordanian Government: Ministry of ICT and Ministry of Higher Education
• European Commission: DG INFSO and DG RELEX
• The United Nations , UNESCO and UNDP
• International Model United Nations Association
• League of Arab States: Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and Arab ICT Organization (AICTO)
• Foundations like Qatar Foundation, MBR Foundation, AGFUND, Macarthur Foundation , Clinton Initiative , Packard Foundation , Ford foundation, Abu Dhabi Research Fund
• Research and Education Networks: ASREN, GEANT2, INTERNET2 SIG, European NRENs, Arab NRENs, other Regional NRENs
• Universities: Universities from around the region will be involved
• IO/NGO and Research Communities: European Investment Bank, FAO, ICTP,CERN,
SESAME, CONGO , Global Hope, ICRC, African Union, Sharing Knowledge Foundation
• Industry: TAG-Org , Jordan Telecom, ZAIN, Cisco, Regional Telco's, Google, Tata communications, Microsoft, Hewlet Packard, Apple, Dell, Oracle, and more
06 Dec 2011
'E-infrastructures key to boosting Arab research output'.
AMMAN, Dec 06, 2011 (Jordan Times - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) -- Linking research and information centres across the region is key to increasing the volume of research in the Arab world and improving its quality, an economist said on Monday.
Talal Abu Ghazaleh, chairman of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), told reporters yesterday that connecting these centres through e-infrastructures (networks, data centres and other technological systems that aid research) will help them coordinate, and facilitate information and expertise exchange.
Methods to achieve that goal will be discussed next week at the first "International platform on integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a global environment", which will open in Amman on Monday.
The three-day event will group the region's innovators, scientists and business leaders, who will discuss policies for sustainable development in education, the integration of research networks, and the possibilities for a global e-infrastructure for research and education, according to Abu Ghazaleh, a former senator.
The conference will also direct the attention of decision makers, private sector leaders and researchers to the role of e-infrastructure in developing research and education communities in the region and encouraging scientific collaboration, he added.
"Arab nations are the weakest in the world in producing and publishing scientific research," Abu Ghazaleh warned, stressing that knowledge-based innovations are what "prosper in this era".
He said next week's event is also aimed at examining prospects of sustaining a research and education network across the Arab region and connecting it to similar networks in Europe, North America and around the world.
ASERN is a registered nonprofit association that seeks to implement and manage sustainable pan-Arab e-infrastructures to boost scientific research and cooperation in its member countries, according to a statement by the regional body.
The e-infrastructure projects currently implemented in the region are supported by the European Union.
___ (c)2011 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman,Jordan) at Distributed by MCT Information Services
05 Dec 2011
Abu-Ghazaleh Announces the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment.
Under the Patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein
AMMAN - December 5, 2011 - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) chairman announced on Monday the 1st International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment which will be organized under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein December 12-14 at the Four Seasons Hotel.
The event will be held in conjuction with EUMED Event 4, Internet2 SIG Middle East Meeting and ASREN 1st Annual Meeting with special sessions to be dedicated to specific domains such as Digital Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, Economic Crisis, Global Warming, and Energy.
During a press conference conducted today at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh extended his appreciation to His Majesty King Abdullah II and welcomed the media who are part of this one of a kind event.
"This unique event in the region and the world is meant to be the launching pad for Research & Education connectivity and cooperation. It will bring together the ASREN, EUMED, GEANT, and INTERNET 2 stakeholders and the region's foremost innovators, leaders, scientists, and businesses to discuss and debate new models of innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programs, and the region-wide e- infrastructure deployment to tackle today's crises in climate change, global economy, food and water scarcity, alternative energy, and threatening environmental issues. The forum can lay the foundation for a dream of many of today's leaders towards a global e-infrastructure for R&E based on real life broad inclusiveness beyond any political protocols," he said.
According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh the objectives of the event are to:
announce the first year of achievements of ASREN and present its future planning
•launch the third phase of the EUMEDCONENCT project
•show the achievements of e-Infrastructures in the area such as EUMEDGRID and further build on the success of the previous EUMED Events 1,2 and 3 to present and develop cooperation between the Arab, European, and US researchers.
•draw attention of high level politicians and decision makers on the importance of the e-Infrastructures to develop the research and education communities in the Arab world and beyond.
help and support sustainable research and education network across the Arab region connected to the European Network GEANT2, North American Network Internet2 and other regional networks around the world.
•attract and encourage donors, research foundations and supporting institutions in the Arab region, Europe and worldwide to support the development of ASREN and research e-infrastructure .
•strengthen the involvement of the private sector's collaboration in developing research and education.
•Bring the attention of scientists and researchers on the importance of e-Infrastructure and to showcase examples of collaborative and joint research projects.
He added that the Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment will help tackle development of R&E networks in the Arab world and beyond by showing how e-Infrastructures can be used to provide high-quality education and research on a large scale.
At end of the press conference, HE Abu-Ghazaleh extended his gratitude to the European Union particularly the Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG- INFSO) for supporting the scientific infrastructure in the Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean through the EUMED CONNECT and EUMEDGRID-SUPPORT.
He also thanked all sponsors for their support:
•Royal Court - the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
•Jordanian Government: Ministry of ICT and Ministry of Higher Education
•European Commission: DG INFSO and DG RELEX
•The United Nations , UNESCO and UNDP
•International Model United Nations Association
•League of Arab States: Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and Arab ICT Organization (AICTO)
•Foundations like Qatar Foundation, MBR Foundation, AGFUND, Macarthur Foundation , Clinton Initiative , Packard Foundation , Ford foundation, Abu Dhabi Research Fund
•Research and Education Networks: ASREN, GEANT2, INTERNET2 SIG, European NRENs, Arab NRENs, other Regional NRENs
•Universities: Universities from around the region will be involved
•IO/NGO and Research Communities: European Investment Bank, FAO, ICTP,CERN, SESAME, CONGO , Global Hope , ICRC, African Union, Sharing Knowledge Foundation
•Industry: TAG-Org , Jordan Telecom, ZAIN, Cisco, Regional Telco's, Google, Tata communications, Microsoft, Hewlet Packard, Apple , Dell , Oracle, and more
- Ends -
About ASREN GmbH
ASREN GmbH is a registered non-profit association of the Arab region National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and strategic partners. It aims to implement, manage and extend sustainable Pan-Arab e-Infrastructures dedicated for the Research and Education communities and to boost scientific research and cooperation in member countries through the provision of world-class e-Infrastructures and E-services.
The first intention of forming the Consortium of Arab Mediterranean Research and Education Networks (CAMREN) was first declared in 2006 by the 7 Arab partners of the EUMEDCONNECT project that connect over 2 million academic users and researchers in 400 research centres and educational establishments. The partner countries, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia, are represented by their national research and education network organisations and co-finance the network infrastructure and management costs, a substantial investment of around 1.5 million Euros each year.
In December 2009 the idea is refined and the proposed new regional association is now the Arab States Research and Education Network, under the patronage of the League of Arab States, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGOrg), and the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID). It replaces the CAMREN proposal and enables a wider participation throughout the Arab region (U.A.E. and Qatar organisations have joined the discussion process). Since then, with the support of UMEDCONNECT2 funded by the European Commission and managed by DANTE (UK), three strategic planning workshop have been held in Cairo (January 2010) and Brussels (March 2010) and Algiers (July 2010), to finalize all the agreements on the organisation's mission, objectives, structure and strategic plan.
A first formal announcement of the creation of ASREN was made at the EU-Med Conference on e-Infrastructures across the Mediterranean on March 31st 2010 in Brussels, by Dr Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of TAGOrg and GAID. Since then TAG-Org has been providing key technical and financial support in addition to political lobbying for the creation of ASREN. TAG-Org has lead the registration process of ASREN as a non-profit organization in Germany and has made all its resources available to meet the legal and financial requirements for a legally registered ASREN in Europe and operational in the Arab region. In July 2010, His Excellency Mr. Amre Moussa, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, endorsed the creation of ASREN, and in December 2010 announced its formal launching at the League of Arab States in Cairo, Egypt. ASREN has been officially registered in Germany with Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. Consulting GmbH, Jordanian Universities Network, and Moroccan Research and Education Network (CNRST) as initial shareholders. Its 1st annual meeting will be organized during e-AGE 2011.
23 Nov 2011
Turkey Invites Abu-Ghazaleh as a Keynote Speaker at the 2nd Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit of the ICP.
Under the patronage of President of the Republic of Turkey HE Mr. Abdullah Gul, the second Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit of the International Cooperation Platform (ICP), which serves as a meeting point for leaders of today and tomorrow to tackle the current economic and social matters will be inaugurated November 23rd, 2011 at Istanbul Hilton Conrad Hotel.
The event to be held under the theme of "Regional Change and Development" will witness the participation of HE Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey who will tackle The Role of Energy Cooperation and Renewable Energy, The Role of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs in Regional Development and the Role of Women and Women Entrepreneurship in addition to others.
Upon an invitation by HE Mr. Ali Coskun, president of the Senior Board of Advisors of the International Cooperation Platform and former Minister of Industry and Commerce, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) will be the keynote speaker at the opening ceremony with the participation of prominent leaders from the region.
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh will tackle the Role of Universities, Education and Cultural Cooperation for Regional Development in a special panel which will be held November 25th.
The Platform will create a common roadmap in forging long lasting partnerships, joint research and investments in strategic industries such as sustainable energy, finance, transportation, construction, infrastructure, agriculture and water, with the purpose of promoting sustainable growth.
The International Cooperation Platform is formed as an independent, non-profit organization, based in Istanbul. The founding objective of the organization is that cooperation will enable a more balanced and lasting economic growth and that cooperation is thus an indispensable element in enhancing stable and sustainable growth
22 Nov 2011
Turkey Invites Abu-Ghazaleh as a Keynote Speaker at the 2nd Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit of the ICP.
Under the patronage of President of the Republic of Turkey HE Mr. Abdullah Gul, the second Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit of the International Cooperation Platform (ICP), which serves as a meeting point for leaders of today and tomorrow to tackle the current economic and social matters will be inaugurated November 23rd, 2011 at Istanbul Hilton Conrad Hotel.
The event to be held under the theme of "Regional Change and Development" will witness the participation of HE Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey who will tackle The Role of Energy Cooperation and Renewable Energy, The Role of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs in Regional Development and the Role of Women and Women Entrepreneurship in addition to others.
Upon an invitation by HE Mr. Ali Coskun, president of the Senior Board of Advisors of the International Cooperation Platform and former Minister of Industry and Commerce, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) will be the keynote speaker at the opening ceremony with the participation of prominent leaders from the region.
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh will tackle the Role of Universities, Education and Cultural Cooperation for Regional Development in a special panel which will be held November 25th.
The Platform will create a common roadmap in forging long lasting partnerships, joint research and investments in strategic industries such as sustainable energy, finance, transportation, construction, infrastructure, agriculture and water, with the purpose of promoting sustainable growth.
The International Cooperation Platform is formed as an independent, non-profit organization, based in Istanbul. The founding objective of the organization is that cooperation will enable a more balanced and lasting economic growth and that cooperation is thus an indispensable element in enhancing stable and sustainable growth.
29 Oct 2011
TAG-Knowledge and Akhtaboot affirm commitment to increase job opportunities .
Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organisation (TAG-Org) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Talal Abu Ghazaleh inaugurated last week the second job fair organised by the Talal Abu Ghazaleh Knowledge Centre (TAG-Knowledge) and Akhtaboot.
The chairman expressed satisfaction with the organisation of the job fair for the second year in a row saying: “We are working with the Ministry of Labour as partners and one team moving in the same direction. Our common goal is to increase job opportunities and qualified talents," Abu Ghazaleh said. Labour Assistant Secretary General Nadera Al Bakhit commended the efforts exerted by TAG-Knowledge and Akhtaboot and called for opening more opportunities for women.
Akhtaboot Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Yousef Shamoun said: “Only through job fairs, job seekers and employers can directly meet, dialogue and interact.
It’s a great opportunity to future employees to show their skills and personality that might grant them the first step towards job positions.” This year's two-day event was sponsored by Bank of Jordan (platinum sponsor), Umniah (gold sponsor), Pepsi Jordan and Bell Amman (silver sponsors), the Online Project and Ad Dustour newspaper (media sponsors).
26 Oct 2011
Abu-Ghazaleh inaugurates TAG-Knowledge and Akhtaboot's second job fair.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh honors Ms. Nadera Al-Bakhit during the second job fair organized by the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Center and Akhtaboot- October 26, 2011
Under the patronage of Jordan's Minister of Labor, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), inaugurated today in the presence of the Assistant Secretary General of the Ministry Ms. Nadera Al-Bakhit, the second job fair, labeled the biggest in 2011, organized by the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Center (TAG-Knowledge) and Akhtaboot at TAG-Knowledge headquarters, Queen Rania Street. The opening ceremony witnessed the participation of officials from the Ministry of Labor, representatives of the participating companies along with many concerned entities and individuals.
HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed satisfaction with the organization of the job fair for the second year in a row.
"We are working with the Ministry of Labor as partners and in one team moving in the same direction and our goal is the same and that is to increase job opportunities and qualify talents," HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said.
With the participation of international and regional companies, the two-day event is expected to attract thousands of job seekers to meet recruiters and learn more about job skills, interviews and other related issues during the specialized workshops to be organized on the sideline of the fair.
Ms. Al-Bakhit highly commended the efforts exerted by TAG-Knowledge and Akhtaboot in this event which opens channels for both employers and future employees to interact and called for opening more opportunities for women.
"The Ministry always supports any initiative which aims at stopping unemployment in the country since it eventually will boost national economy and the private sector shares the responsibility with the government in this matter," Al-Bakhit said.
Building on the success of last year's event which attracted more than 10,000 (ten thousand) aspiring professionals and fresh graduates, this year's fair will be more focused with new recruiters covering various industries.
Akhtaboot Co-founder and CEO, Mr. Yousef Shamoun, from his part, stated: "Only through job fairs, job seekers and employers can directly meet, dialogue and interact. It's a great opportunity to future employees to show their skills and personality that might grant them the first step towards job positions."
Meanwhile, Mr. Tareq Hammad, TAG-Knowledge executive director said: "HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is extremely satisfied with the outcome of last year's event and we are proud to work with Akhtaboot again in organizing this job fair and we will work on making it an annual event," he added.
This year's two-day event, held October 26-27, 2011, is sponsored by Bank of Jordan (platinum sponsor), Umniah (gold sponsor), Pepsi Jordan and Bell Amman (silver sponsors), the Online Project and Addustour newspaper (media sponsors).
Also participating in the job fair: Coca Cola, Pepsico, City Mall, Pioneers Training Academy, Farouq Al Jabsheh and his Sons, USAID, Morgan, Extensya,, Leo Brunette Jordan, Spinneys, TAGSB, Bell Amman, nPario, Bank Al Etihad, Naouri Group, D1G,, TAG Recruit, International Youth Foundation, Ministry of Labor, SEDCO, CCC, Delta Insurance,D1g, Orange and Hikma Pharmaceutical.