
22 May 2023

In your entire life, do not give anyone the chance to be arrogant towards you. Your humbleness towards them will give you pride, as if you are saying to them, "you were foolish to be arrogant..

22 May 2023

If we think that arrogance makes people important and valuable, then let us look at how most heads of states treat their citizens with humbleness.

22 May 2023

None of your beloved ones will ever approach you and see you as a successful person unless you are immensely humble.

22 May 2023

I am well aware that it is difficult to remain nice to a person standing arrogantly before you. It is even more difficult to convince yourself that whoever stands before you and treats you arrogantly will reconsider their arrogance and will behave better while they remain arrogant..

22 May 2023

The humble person is the one who treats people with their good morals and behavior. The arrogant one is the person is who treats people with bad morals and behavior. There is of course a great difference between the two! .

22 May 2023

If you do not know what humbleness is, you must start learning it from the very beginning. Otherwise, you are and will remain zero in life. No more, no less.

22 May 2023

With a gentle blink of the eyes and a beautiful smile, you will find a kind heart that loves you and more.

22 May 2023

Don't exchange arrogance with yelling. No one wants to hear your loud, arrogant voice but you.