
22 May 2023

In the new timing system, the minute of the Internet will be compared to a minute of life.

22 May 2023

From the era of information, to the era of knowledge, to the era of AI, and then to the era of wisdom.

22 May 2023

AI (robots) will outperform human intelligence within the next decade.

22 May 2023

2050 is the year of the singularity where people and technology will merge.

22 May 2023

Robots will do our jobs, but we are the ones who create them.

22 May 2023

As automation eliminates manual jobs, more technical ones will be created.

22 May 2023

Serving society is not a donation, generosity, or good deed. It is a duty performed by businessmen in particular to pay back some of the society’s favors to them. All the good things I have are from the favors of my society to me..

22 May 2023

Allah has created us to be creative.