
22 May 2023

I always remind myself of the old saying, “what makes a peacock beautiful is its feathers.” A man’s feather is his knowledge..

22 May 2023

In answer to the frequently asked question: What kind of Jordan do we want? I only have one answer. We want a knowledge based Jordan in which everything works through IT..

22 May 2023

Success may only be measured when a person's career is over. This is because even if a person has been a model for advancement throughout an extended career, their feet may slip towards the end of the journey..

22 May 2023

Whenever I found myself in a sharp confrontation, I remembered Roosevelt's answer when he was asked, "How did you win the war?" He said, "You mean, how did I manage it.".

22 May 2023

I was more interested in founding a comprehensive humanitarian organization than I was in founding a company with the sole purpose of making a profit..

22 May 2023

I do not have much wealth, thanks to Allah. All I own is this organization, which I am still building. I reinvest all the profits in it. This is the secret of its success..

22 May 2023

Show your strength instead of using it.

22 May 2023

Even if the advisee is more knowledgeable than the advisor, they will get a wise opinion.