
21 May 2023

There is no end to an inventor's career because the inventor does not know what inventions he or she will eventually produce.

21 May 2023

Business intelligence derived from automated systems will exceed what humans can infer on their own.

21 May 2023

The smart device will become a multipurpose tool.

21 May 2023

The smart device will become a multipurpose tool.

21 May 2023

Finland is leading the world's learning revolution today. Sweden is on its way to transferring all the public education institutions to the private sector.

21 May 2023

Exploring frontiers will be driven by knowledge, giving us access to unlimited energy resources.

21 May 2023

Our ever-expanding knowledge must be kept in robust, storage environments.

21 May 2023

Knowledge will allow us to eradicate diseases rather than treating them.