22 May 2023
Two things complete the beauty of a human being, smiling and love. The third thing is humbleness that eliminates arrogance and pride.
22 May 2023
One of the most important ethics of dealing with coworkers is the art of humbleness and avoiding ignorance and arrogance.
22 May 2023
Always be the teacher who teaches humbleness from the very beginning, in a school in which all classes are full of arrogant people.
22 May 2023
The difference between cruelty and gentleness is the same as the difference between arrogance and humbleness.
22 May 2023
Before you start the journey of searching for success, be an exemplar of humbleness before you engage with others.
22 May 2023
If you ever make a mistake, know well that the humbleness that you have accumulated in your life will save you and mitigate the gravity of those mistakes.
22 May 2023
You should not be ashamed of humbleness and acknowledging your mistakes, as arrogance in such matters will exacerbate the mistake.
22 May 2023